Tender Offer Issuer Dashboard
What’s new?
Carta has released a new tender offer issuer dashboard for company administrators, exposing the most critical actions and information during periods when sellers are placing orders.
This dashboard highlights the following information:
- Aggregate sell orders placed relative to buyer demand: emphasizes situations where sell orders exceed quantities to be purchased and must be reduced algorithmically for settlement
- Rate at which eligible sellers across customizable stakeholder categories view the offering and place orders
- Sell orders placed over time, highlighting spikes in trade activity or large order cancellations
- Better organization and management of in app seller data
How do I use this tool?
Log into your Carta administrator account during an active tender offer order period and navigate to the Secondaries menu. Select an active tender offer event and you will land on the dashboard.
What’s next?
This release covers the issuer experience for the period during tender offers when sellers can enter orders. In the near future, we are expanding this dashboard to provide an improved issuer experience both before a tender offer launches and after it closes:
- Pre launch: information and configuration experience prior to the start of a tender offer
- Post close: key transaction information and improved administrator experience
If you have any questions about Carta liquidity, please contact us at company_coverage@carta.com