Quarterly benchmark refresh - Q1 2024
What’s new?
We have updated salary, total cash compensation, and equity benchmarks for all job areas and specializations.
Benchmark Trends
Since our last quarterly refresh, we’ve seen an increase in the number of companies and employee records in our data set, with the largest influx among higher valuation companies. As a result, some benchmarks saw slightly larger changes compared to previous releases.
In aggregate, salary and total cash compensation benchmarks are flat to slightly higher than our last release. Salaries increased more for higher valuation companies. Similar to previous updates, specialization level data continues to change more than the broader sample, as sample sizes for these roles are smaller than job area level data.
Equity benchmarks are flat in aggregate, showing a slight downward trend from last quarter’s 1% increase. Looking at equity trends by valuation, equity benchmarks are flat overall for most peer groups but have declined by about 3% for companies with valuations greater than $1 billion.
What were the largest areas of movement from these benchmarks?
Salary - Salary benchmarks for most job areas and specializations are within 2% of last quarter’s data. The Administrative job area has increased by 4%, while CEO salary benchmarks have decreased by 4%.
Equity - Human Resources equity benchmarks have increased 7% overall following a 3% decrease in last quarter’s benchmarks. Three specializations saw the largest decrease in equity benchmarks (5-6%): Web Engineer, AI/ML Engineer, and Account Executive. All other roles saw increases/decreases within 3-4% of last quarter.
How do I update my benchmark version?
You can also preview the new benchmarks on your Scorecard by navigating to the Benchmarks page and clicking on the "Preview benchmarks" bubble in the top left.
Here you will have the opportunity to preview the new plan with the updated benchmarks version and assess their impact on your Scorecard before accepting the new plan.
If you have any questions about these new benchmarks, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.