Carta Liquidity: Track Your Portfolio’s Performance
What’s New?
Shareholders can now see the value of their holdings using marks based on our proprietary Reference Price Range. With just a quick look, shareholders can view their unrealized gains, multiple of invested capital, and the rate of return of their portfolio holdings on Carta.
Interested in locking in unrealized gains or closing out a position shown in the red? Click on the Sell button to start the process of selling your shares.
What metrics are available and how are they calculated?
- Mark: A mark is the price used to value a holding. Your holdings are marked to the lower bound of the Reference Price Range, if Carta has calculated one for the company.
- Shares: Number of vested common and preferred shares currently held.
- Basis: Total cost paid divided by the number of shares.
- Value of shares: Value of shares at the mark. Calculation:
Mark * Shares
- Unrealized gains: Unrealized gain (or loss) in value at the mark compared to your purchase price. An unrealized ("paper") gain has not been actualized, but can be by selling an existing holding for more than what was paid for it. Calculation:
Value of shares - (Basis * Shares)
Learn more about the taxes associated with stock sales - Multiple: Multiple of invested capital (MOIC), meaning how many times greater is the current value of a holding compared to what was paid for it. Calculation:
Value of shares / (Basis * Shares)
Learn more about MOIC - IRR: Gross unrealized internal rate of return, which is the annualized percent return a holding has earned. IRR is calculated using acquisition dates in alignment with the XIRR function in Excel or Google Sheets.
Learn more about IRR
How does it work?
You can view and identify to a Carta representative which holdings you’d like to sell on Carta:
- Log into Carta’s Secondary Marketplace.
- View your holdings on the “My holdings” tab.
- Click on the “Sell” button to submit your indication of interest to sell any of your holdings.
Who is this available to?
This is only available to Carta Liquidity customers. At this time, only Accredited Investors who qualify as Institutional Accounts can purchase securities and only Accredited Investors can sell securities via Carta Liquidity.
If you’re interested in learning more about Carta Liquidity and get access to the platform, please reach out to or your account manager.
Disclaimer: Carta, through its wholly owned broker-dealer subsidiary, Carta Capital Markets, LLC, offers a streamlined experience for executing pre-negotiated stock transfers, tender offers, and other secondary liquidity transactions. Carta Capital Markets, LLC is a member of FINRA/SIPC.
The mark displayed by Carta does not represent an executable price or bid/ask spread and does not reflect any market premium/discounts. The fair market value or executable price, if any, for any security may be higher or lower than the provided price. Many unregistered equity securities are subject to transfer restrictions that may limit transfers at any price.
The mark, Reference Price, and Reference Price Range are not investment advice or a recommendation to transact at any price and should not be your primary basis for determining the value of any security.