Upload and issue custom SAFE documents and templates
What’s new?
Carta is adding support for custom SAFEs and side letters. Companies now have the flexibility to use customized SAFEs and side letters for their financing round. This release expands the types of documents that can be used to issue, transact and manage through Carta.
Why is it valuable?
Companies and investors may agree on a different set of terms that are not supported by a YC or SAFE template, and require a SAFE and side letter that reflects these terms. With this feature, customers can have their custom SAFE agreements signed and funded on Carta, benefiting from Carta’s streamlined investor and stakeholder signing, status tracking, faster funding, and automatic cap table updates.
How does it work?
Users can upload a custom, pre-filled SAFE document and side letter to be signed and funded through Cata.
For acceptance, custom SAFE templates require all of the following:
- The SAFE document uploaded has all information filled out (e.g. investor name, purchase amount, etc.).
- The terms match what is entered in the platform.
- The document does not contain a signature page. The Carta SAFE financing tool will generate your company and investor’s signature pages.
Getting started:
- Navigate to the SAFE Financings page under the Fundraising tab
- Create a new SAFE and select Custom SAFE Template
- Upload your complete, pre-filled SAFE document.
Note: Ensure there are no signature pages.
- Make sure the information you entered directly on Carta matches the terms on your uploaded document.
- Attach any custom pre-filled side letters, if available.
- Close and send the SAFE for signing.
How do I learn more or get help?
To learn more about SAFE Financings, check out this support article or reach out to your Account Manager for a demo. You can also learn how you can securely, quickly, and conveniently transfer funds directly within Carta.