Updates to self-onboarding flow for new companies on Carta
If you’re a company founder and self-onboarding on Carta for the first time, we’ve made some improvements in the workflow that allow you to add custom information for your stakeholders’ holdings.
You can create custom vesting schedules and legends by visiting the new Templates page. It’s important that you set these up in advance so you can select them from a dropdown later.
Note: Any legend or vesting schedule that you create during this step can be revisited or edited after your company is live on Carta by visiting Securities --> Templates.
Select the newly created vesting schedule and legend when filling in details for individual certificates. In addition, you can include acceleration terms i.e. Single Trigger.
We’re hoping these improvements will allow for greater flexibility and accuracy as you onboard on Carta. Please send product feedback or questions to angela.jo@carta.com.