Suite of New Equity Reports
What’s new?
Soon, you will be able to access 8 new reporting templates under Capitalization > Reporting, which provide you with access to critical data points about your equity pool, company, securities, and stakeholders. You will be able to see exactly how your key option pool values are derived, view equity awards joined with Grant Reason and Employee ID, and even export a detailed list of stakeholders and their properties.
Why is this important?
We’ve been listening to every piece of feedback from you, and have heard the challenges that you face. The new reports address these challenges, providing visibility into how key pool values are derived, and giving you reporting access to over 60 key fields that were spread across multiple places, and in some cases, previously un-reportable.
Those 8 template reports are:
- Equity pool transaction ledger: A detailed view of shares available to issue from your equity pool. This new report includes a double-entry activity log for every transaction so you can see, line-by-line, exactly how available shares and other plan values were derived.
- Common securities ledger: A ledger of all Common shares in Carta.
- Equity awards outstanding: A detailed view of all outstanding equity awards across all plans on Carta.
- Equity plan granted: A ledger of all securities granted from the equity plan.
- Options outstanding: A detailed view of all outstanding options across all plans on Carta.
- Securities ledger: A ledger of all securities tracked on Carta.
- Share registry: Used by companies in many countries to create a share/equity register or register of holders.
- Stakeholder details: Full list of stakeholders and their properties.
What do I need to do?
You should be on the lookout for an email from your CSM letting you know that these reports are now available for you. Once you get that email, you can go to Capitalization > Reporting, and you will see the following view, where the newly added reports will have a ‘New’ bubble next to them:
From there, you just need to export the report as usual!
Where can I learn more?
For more information on exporting reports, visit our support site. We will be adding additional information to the support site as reports are updated and improved.