2 years ago
New Total Comp roles: Area Lead and Recruiter
We've updated the Total Comp permissions system with two new role types:
- Area lead: Users with this role can edit employees and view bands for their assigned area(s) and level(s)
- Recruiter: Users with this role can view bands for their assigned area(s) and level(s)
To add a teammate as an area lead or recruiter, go to the Settings > Permissions and roles page click on "Add User" and follow the instructions in the modal.
You will be asked to provide the teammate's email address, assign a role, select which areas that you want the teammate to have access to, and then select the highest level within those selected areas that they can view/edit. You can also change the role and permissions for an existing user by clicking on the action button (three dots) in the user table and selecting Edit user.