Interest holder addresses
What's new?
You can now keep a record of interest holder addresses.
What's important or valuable about this change?
Gain a single source of truth with all interest holder information centralized in Carta. Admins can now input a physical address when adding a new interest holder or editing an existing one and this address can be viewed in the interest holder ledger and in the interest details.
What do I need to do?
When issuing interests to new holders, Admins can now bulk upload addresses in the interest holder spreadsheet. You will see different columns for different address fields. Upon issuing, the address will be saved on the new interest holder.
When adding a new interest holder or editing an existing one, Admins can record the address in the new Address section. Inputting the Country/Region will make the other address fields appear.
How do I learn more or get help?
For more information on managing interest holders, visit our support site.