Grant fund investment access on your investor's behalf
If you’re using Carta’s LP portal, you can now grant an investor’s colleague access to their fund investment directly.
You can find this feature by navigating to the ‘Partners’ page and clicking on the Manage users link for a specific partner.
You can add one or more users at a time and adjust permissions to ensure they only access the content your investor prescribes.
The users you add will only see your specific fund investment and not your investor’s full portfolio.
The permissions you set restrict the type of content they can see within the fund investment. In the example below, the user can only see legal documents.
Note that Carta fund administrators handle these operations for their funds, so these customers won’t see the Manage users link in app.
We hope this new feature simplifies user access for your investors. We’d love to hear your thoughts, so don’t hesitate to reach out at with any questions or comments.