Fund performance metrics on Carta
We know how important Carta is in helping fund managers manage and track the performance of their funds. This month we've add a host of new features to help fund managers get and understand the metrics they need about their funds.
Here's whats new:
1. New fund performance page
- New table view with an option to 'switch to chart view'
- Added metrics definitions and explainer tool tips
- Period selector to allow you to easily select ‘end of’ last year, quarter, or month.
- Traceback for very metric so you can to view the underlying source data
- New API using Carta General Ledger for all contributions and distributions data.
Example of new Fund Performance page:
Example of traceback of TVPI metric as of 12/31/2020:
2. New Excel export:
We've added a new export on the page that includes all the metrics and details about the underlying data.
3. Support for parallel entities:
We've also added support for parallel entities (or fund families). You will be able to see all the above features at a consolidated level.
Where to find: Log in to Carta > Select a fund within your investment firm > Select the Fund performance tab
Timing: Rolled out to funds using our Fund Administration services on April 16, 2021.
Audience: General Partners, CFOs, Investment teams, Limited Partners.