4 years ago
Bulk Add Stakeholders
Carta now supports adding multiple stakeholders in bulk.
Previously, adding new stakeholders to Carta was done on an individual basis within the Stakeholder ledger -- Manage Stakeholders > Add stakeholder. While this works perfectly well for a single stakeholder, it becomes time consuming for multiple stakeholders. For this reason, we’ve released a new Bulk Add Stakeholders feature. Here’s how to use it --
- Go to the Stakeholder ledger - Manage Stakeholders > Bulk Add Stakeholders. You will see something that looks like this -
- Use the “Download spreadsheet” button to download a blank xlsx file where you can input all your new stakeholder information
- Fill in the xslx spreadsheet with your new stakeholder data. These will typically consist of recent employees who have joined your company
- Go back to the Carta app to upload the spreadsheet containing the changes
- Click the “Submit updates” button, and if there are no errors found with the data, you’re done! If there are errors, you will see a screen similar to what’s shown below. Click the “Download errors spreadsheet” button to download an annotated spreadsheet that calls out the errors.
- Correct the errors in the resulting spreadsheet, re-upload the updated sheet, and submit the changes again. That should be it! The new stakeholders contained in your file will now be added as new stakeholders in Carta.