3 years ago
Bulk Add LPs to Carta's Closings Tool
Whats New
We've made it easier to quickly add LPs to Carta's Closings tool. Using a new spreadsheet in Carta you can now easily input details about each LP or simply paste information from another spreadsheet or tool.
How it Works
There's a new "Bulk add partners" button on the closings tool that will open up the new spreadsheet where you can add LPs. You'll need to fill in the following information about each LP:
- Partner name: The name of the individual or entity that is subscribing.
- First and Last Name: This will be the name of the primary contact for the LPs commitment. The LP can always update this and add additional contacts when they’re filling out subscription documents.
- Email: The email address of the individual who will be filling out subscription documents for the partner.
- Commitment amount: The amount the LP will be committing to the fund or SPV. You must enter a commitment amount but this can be updated at any point prior to the LP signing.
Additional Resources
Here's a support article that walks through the step-by-step process of adding LPs to the closings tool.
Who this affects
This is now available to any fund managers using Carta's Closings Tool. Our Closings Tool gives LPs a quick and easy way to fill out Fund and SPV subscription documents.