Board consents in Carta are now linked to Option Grants and RSUs
What's new?
We've made it simple to find corresponding board consents in Carta when viewing Option Grants and RSUs on the cap table. When viewing an equity award on Carta, the new Board Details tab is available with details about the board consent that approved the issuance of the securities as well as a direct link to the board consent itself.
Who's eligible?
All companies on Carta can utilize the board consents tool. Users with Full Access or Company Editor can view board consents for their company and will be able to view the new Board Details tab in the equity details modal. Users without access to the Board Consent tool will not see the new tab.
How can I access it?
While logged into your cap table on Carta, navigate to Equity Awards and click any record with an option grant or RSU issued.
With the modal open navigate to the Board details section where you'll find details about the board consent that approved the issuance of this security. Click View board consent to be taken directly to the board consent within Carta.
Where can I learn more?
To learn more about our board consent feature, please see: