Adjust taxes for option exercises
What’s new
Companies can now adjust taxes for option exercises previously approved in Carta.
Legal administrators can navigate to the Exercises ledger (Transactions > Exercises) and select "Adjust taxes" within a ledger row dropdown to find the new tool:
How it works
The "Adjust taxes" tool will not be available for option exercises in the "Requested" status since option exercise approvers can adjust taxes as part of the exercise approval workflow.
For ACH option exercises already approved by the company or for company-entered manual exercises, the "Adjust taxes" tool will be available for use.
After a legal administrator selects "Adjust taxes" from the Exercises ledger, they'll see the following modal:
The legal administrator will be asked to provide a reason for the adjustment. Next, the following actions are available:
- Un-check a box next to a tax type to remove it from the option exercise
- Re-check a box to re-add a previously removed tax type to the option exercise
- Update the specific tax withholding amount in the "Adjusted" column
- Select "Add another tax type" to add a new tax type to the option exercise
Note that new tax types can't be added from this modal. If you'd like to add a new tax type to the exercise, add it first in the Tax rules page (Compliance > Tax rules) and then come back to the "Adjust taxes" tool to add it to the option exercise.
Once the adjustment has been saved, both the company and the stakeholder will see a blue banner when viewing the option grant. The banner contains information about the newly adjusted tax amount and exercise cost in addition to when the adjustment was entered in Carta:
Adjusted tax amounts will also be reflected in the "Exercised and settled report" and the "Tax withholding report" (Capitalization > Reporting).
For more information, check out the support article for the new "Adjust taxes" tool:
Who this affects
Private and public companies that issue option grants.
Available to all companies now.