Notional equity value benchmarks
What’s new?
Up until now, all equity benchmarks in Carta Total Compensation have been based on fully diluted ownership percentage. While it’s common practice for most early to mid-stage startups to base their equity grants on percentage ownership, later stage companies tend to denote their equity grants in dollar values.
To better serve those companies, equity benchmarks based on notional value are now available on the Benchmarks page. These new benchmarks are available for the $500 million - $1 billion and Greater than $1 billion post-money valuation peer groups. These benchmarks reflect 4-year new hire grants calculated based on number of shares multiplied by preferred price on the date of grant.
How can I access the new notional value benchmarks?
- Navigate to the Benchmarks page in Carta Total Compensation
- After selecting either the $500 million - $1 billion or Above $1 billion peer group, in the Equity Unit dropdown menu, select “Notional Value”
For this initial release, these benchmarks are only available on the Benchmarks page. We will be integrating notional value benchmarks into other parts of Carta Total Compensation in the coming months.
If you have any questions about these new benchmarks, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.